Women Empowerment through Agribusiness

Ms. Shagufta, a women entrepreneur and member of pickle production women farmer enterprise group from village Cherah, Islamabad expressed her happiness over ASF support, which enabled FEG to produce quality pickles with increased sales and income of FEG members, and wowed to invest earnings for providing better livelihood and education to her children. The women entrepreneurs in rural areas of Islamabad capital territory, have limited livelihood oppertunities and are mostly engaged in subsistence farming and other small scale activities at domestic level, and selling small quantity of surplus products on inconsistant basis in market and generating nominal income. Agribusiness Support Fund provided support to thirty two (32) women entrepreneurs organized in three (3) Farmer Enterprise Groups (FEGs), one each in Jabbi, Cherah and Bunni Behak villages situated in outskirts of Islamabad. ASF organized four day training on “enterprise development” and six day training on “Pickle production” for 32 members of FEGs, besides providing in-kind support to FEGs in the form of tools, equipment and raw materials worth USD 14,000. The ASF’s support helped women entrepreneurs’ better understand necessary skills and tools required for pickles production on commercial basis and establishing their linkages with local market for fetching better prices of their products. The interventions have already started demonstrating remarkable results, with as many as thirty two (32) new full time equivalent direct women jobs created, manifolds increase in sales revenue and income. Each FEG is now producing 450 kilogram pickles per month, generating an average income (profit) of PKR 4,700 per member/month. Women Empowerment Women entrepreneurs and members of Women Pickle Farmers’ Enterprise Groups, proudly demonstrating quality pickle products. Through formation of FEGs and receiving ASF support, they were able to improve the production and quality of their product, establish market linkages for sale of product, which resulted increase in their sale revenues and incomes. Agribusiness Support Fund aimed at supporting improved conditions for broad-based economic growth, creating employment opportunities and contributing to poverty alleviation through increasing competitiveness of horticulture and livestock value chains in partnership with all stakeholders
For the first time in my life I feel like I am fully rooted and standing firm on the ground primarily due to the fact that I am able to earn on my own and contribute to family income and I also get to choose how I spend the money. I am really thankful to ASF for making me feel different in a positive way Ms. Shazia, a woman entrepreneur

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