The Agribusiness Project (USAID)
The project aimed at increasing the competitiveness and productivity of the prioritized value chains, including apricot, banana, chilies, citrus, grapes, high value/off-season vegetables, meat, and seed potato. The project technical assistance (capacity building, compliance certifications, market linkages, FEGs formation, institutional strengthening, VCPs and NTWGs etc.) and cost-sharing grants interventions targeted strengthening of target value chains for greater value addition, processing and marketing through improvement in farming practices, and strengthening farmer organizations, businesses and related networks that critically link producers, suppliers and processors. Overall, the project supported 19,144 micro and small enterprises; 9,372 micro and small enterprises were linked to larger-scale operations; a total of 20, 219 participants were provided technical and managerial trainings; 14,531 new FTE jobs were created; project beneficiaries reported incremental sales revenue of USD 41.84 million including export value of USD 34.6 million; and USD 9.91 million was leveraged by the private sector as a result of implementation of project activities.
Success Stories
We are confident that these practices will have an accelerated rate of absorption in our area and Sindh can have a good brand in the international market in the next few years